Since fluorine is a highly toxic element, it has a strong corrosive effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract. Therefore, when using fluorinated solvent equipment, operators should wear neoprene gloves, coats, and boots, as well as transparent face shields made of highly fluorinated polymers, and the workshop should have a good ventilation system.
Leakage treatment: quickly evacuate the leaked contaminated area, move personnel to the upper wind, isolate them immediately, and strictly restrict access. Cut off the source of ignition. It is recommended that emergency personnel wear self-contained positive pressure breathing apparatus and protective clothing. Enter the scene from upwind. Cut off sources of leaks as much as possible. Reasonable ventilation, accelerate the diffusion. Spray water to dilute and dissolve. Build dikes or dig pits to contain large amounts of wastewater. If possible, use the exhaust fan to send the residual gas or leakage gas to the washing tower or the fume hood connected to the tower. The leaking container should be properly handled, repaired, and used after inspection. If the leakage comes from the user's system, the cylinder valve should be closed, and the pressure must be relieved and purged with an inert before repairing. After detoxification, the exhaust gas should be diluted with a large amount of air.
Evacuation Distances in Spill Accidents
In the event of a hazardous chemical spill, emergency evacuation of surrounding people and residents must be done promptly.
There are two types of evacuation distances: the emergency isolation zone is a circle with emergency isolation as the radius, and non-accident handlers are not allowed to enter; the leeward evacuation distance refers to the range where protective measures must be taken, that is, the residents in this range are at risk of harmful contact Among them, effective measures such as evacuation, closing windows of residences, etc. can be taken, and communication is maintained to follow instructions. Because the mixing effect of the nighttime weather conditions on the poisonous gas cloud is smaller than that in the daytime, the poisonous gas cloud is not easy to disperse, so the leeward evacuation distance is relatively farther than that in the daytime. The distinction between night and day is based on the rising and setting of the sun.